Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Year Of China Event "FAIR"

For my year of China I attended the "year of china fair". The fair took place all day pretty much during classes  When I finally got a chance to stop by, I got to see the differences between our the American culture and the Chinese culture.I enjoyed the shirts that were being sold during the fair. I really like the design, but I wish I would have had money to purchase. All of the other stands wer nice to see. but they were not what i expected.

The other stands were nice to go around and look at, but I just had one problem. I wanted to see more stands and a variety. Maybe if more people had participated in the event, that would have been way more enjoyable.
Maybe next year the FYS classes can each plan a booth for the country that is being supported/exposed next year. If all the FYS classes puts in some effort the fair next year can be 100 times more better.
This idea can be beneficial for all freshman because they get to socialize a way more with others on campus. this can get some freshman out of their shells as well.

Then year of China event was overall good; I just feel that there should be more variety and paricipation in these events.

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